A Disciple is a true believer in Christ, one who seeks the truth, and believes that the Bible is the Holy undeniable word of God. And that Jesus Christ came to earth walked among us, taught us the way, and then laid down his life as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins, that we may have life ever after if only we believe.
Who seeks to kindly but firmly guide new believers into a deeper and more powerful walk with Christ, one who is kind, compassionate, understanding but not wavering in his or her faith, continuing to follow God's word no matter the opposition, standing on the promises of God, that he will never leave you or forsake you.
One who let's God do the calling, the leading, an the talking, never putting his or herself above Almighty God. Always putting one's self at the back of the line.
I do not always do this but I'm striving everyday to be better to listen closer and to pray more, to continue to grow in my walk closer and closer to Christ each day.
On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!